Conducting eye camp is not the solution to eradicating avoidable blindness. If you can’t see now, would you be happy to wait, without knowing when, for treatment?
The logistics in holding a free cataract surgical operation for the masses are massive, and have many elements of uncertainties. How many patients will turn up, how much supplies should we bring, how many days should we allow, how many volunteers needed, and so on.
The solution, as proven by Dr. Ruit with Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (as well as a number of other successful community eye hospitals such as Aravind, LV Prasad, etc.) is to have a community eye hospital where the quality of treatment is superior but the cost is affordable and cross subsidy exists to help those without a penny to pay to still get treated.
Now approaching the age of 60, Dr. Ruit knows that time is not at his side. His biggest dream has always been to help as many blind people see again. His dream is to bring the community eye hospital model he has created so successfully in Nepal, to other communities which so desperately need.
This is not Dr. Ruit’s new venture, he has brought the model replicated successfully in Tibet 10 years ago, and now blindness rate in Tibet is among the lowest in China.
We are now working together with our international partners to raise funds so community eye hospital model ala Dr. Ruit can be replicated in Indonesia, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Northern India.
Please drop us a note at if you like to know more about this exciting project.